Our technology offerings are supplied through a battery of tests, including testwork using a skid-mounted fully automated, operational pilot plant situated at SGS Lakefield where upstream and downstream processes can be simulated, and assays taken from live operations.

Competitive Advantage

Reliable screen mesh

Conventional screens frequently fail near clipper joints, especially with seams over 1mm thick, reducing their lifespan to as little as 2-3 months for larger aperture cloths. However, Rotaspiral screen meshes, lacking clipper joints, feature joints that endure for the mesh's entire lifespan, up to 12 months.

Absence of rollers

In linear screens, large rollers (larger than 0.5 m2 screens) driven by the screen cloth demand significant force to rotate, often causing premature failure. Rotaspirals solve this by eliminating the need for rollers altogether.

Lower power consumption

In contrast to conventional screens, rotaspiral screens typically maintain equivalent production rates and performance levels (such as % trash/oversize recovery) while boasting up to a 25% decrease in installation footprint (m2), total installed weight (mt), and energy consumption (kWh).

Rapid installation

One (1) 1.8 – 4.5 CX Rotaspiral Screen can be partially assembled to fit within a 40" FCL, requiring only 1–2 days for installation, a significantly faster process compared to traditional screens.

Reduced trash disposal

Conventional screens discharge wet oversize trash along with water, requiring additional oversize dewatering equipment and liquid capture systems. In contrast, Rotaspirals discharge dewatered oversize with minimal adhering water (8 – 10% w/w), enabling direct loading into bulk bags for easy removal.

Easy operability and effective motion

Rotaspirals are user-friendly in remote areas, manageable with non-skilled labor. Their rotational motion efficiently drains viscous slurries and complex materials like graphite or clay minerals. In complex screening, they outperform traditional Derrick screens in screening efficiency due to minimized fines loss to overflow.

Technology Highlights

100% stainless steel slotted wire mesh
No rollers or cloth tracking system
Dewatered oversize discharge
Higher plant reliability and enhanced plant availability
Low absorbed energy consumption
Low maintenance hours and labour required
Reduction in maintenance costs and competitive capital costs
Contribution to higher grade concentrate or doré production

Our Process

Our projects evolve, enhancing our understanding, engineering precision, and cost accuracy. We guide clients through this journey, ensuring timely achievement of investment targets. Unlike traditional OEMs, we provide a dedicated contact for comprehensive support from start to finish.


CEC Icon Project Benchmarking

Utilizing a decade's worth of data from labs and operations, coupled with observational analysis, we've created an AI model. It rapidly evaluates material "filterability" by examining their physical, chemical, and mineralogical traits. This assists in predicting costs for different filtration methods, aiding early decision-making and validating engineering feasibility.


CEC Icon Bench-Scale Testwork

To optimize testwork accuracy and quality control, we've launched our subsidiary, Canadian Critical Minerals Research, conducting all bench-scale tests for clients. Our process involves collaboration between technicians and engineering staff to integrate learning outcomes into project stages. Unlike other OEMs divesting in-house labs, we're heavily investing in our 3,000 sq. ft. facility in Kamloops, BC, ensuring comprehensive services.


CEC Icon Conceptual Engineering and Process Flowsheet Development

We offer conceptual engineering services alongside initial testwork results to merge data into practical outcomes. Our process integrates sample data, mineral processing principles, and a mix of proprietary and standard equipment. These studies finalize major process elements, enabling estimation discipline.


CEC Icon Pilot-Plant Testwork

For complex projects, longer-term pilot-plant testwork may be necessary to validate data over time due to sample variability. Our facilities can handle large sample volumes and equipment for onsite pilot studies. We also provide containerized and mobile test rigs for global deployment to customer sites.


CEC Icon Front-End Engineering (FEED) and Detailed Engineering

Once the process flowsheet design is confirmed, we advance the project into a FEED study to improve estimate accuracy. This includes finalizing piping and instrumentation diagrams, equipment lists, and specifications for vendor engagement and procurement. With in-house engineering expertise, we also collaborate with trusted third-party consultants as needed.


CEC Icon Project Execution & Construction

With vast experience in managing large-scale capital projects across remote areas, our team has successfully built plants in numerous countries. We handle all project execution functions, including procurement, logistics, quality assurance, and more. Our personalized project management services add significant value, with our team often acting as owner’s


CEC Icon Operational Readiness (OR)

Operational Readiness is crucial for seamless handover of information from engineering to operations. Our OR phase includes thorough HAZID/HAZOP analysis and collaboration with vendors, ensuring a well-prepared workforce for day-to-day operations.


CEC Icon Commissioning

Upon delivery, we inspect facilities for compliance and authorize equipment installation. We oversee construction verification and assist with assembly as per specs. The commissioning team supervises dry commissioning to detect issues. Wet commissioning follows, transitioning to live operations with slurry feed for filtration.


CEC Icon Operations

After reaching steady-state operations, we support clients through the post-commissioning phase, known as the "valley of death." Our commissioning team remains in operational support roles for the critical first hundred days, ensuring a smooth transition with maximum impact on return of capital.

Why Choose CEC Mining Systems?

Single Point of Contact

A single point of contact to supply full scope solutions through the project life-cycle.

Testing & Design Competency

Competency in the testing, design, and applications of traditional and novel technologies.

Strong Vendor Relationships

Effective working relationships with a diverse mix of vendors and sub-contractors to assemble the best project team.

Team Integration and Support

Integration within the end-user personnel and processes to ensure unified understanding of scope and responsibilities.

Agile Responsiveness

Highly agile responsiveness to end-user requirements.

Boutique Approach

A boutique approach to project delivery.

Startup and Commissioning

Extensive start-up and commissioning capabilities and experience in remote jurisdictions.