
As part of the initial 10,000 bulk sample and transitory plan under the Small Mine’s Act, this project required a solution to handle flotation tailings produced by the mill for placement within a filtered tailings facility.
We have guided the project from early concept development, through execution of procurement and construction.
As the owner’s representative, our scope includes project management services and procurement of various bought-out OEM-equipment, as well as design and supply of the infrastructure and ancillaries.


There was very little geo-metallurgical data compiled on the asset with a high degree of variability in the mass balance and minerals processing. This, coupled with a sensitive regional ecological environment, difficult topography, adjacency to municipal infrastructure and relatively high annual precipitation, create a unique scenario for the tailings infrastructure design.


We designed a tailings thickening and filtration system with integrated overland haulage to be placed within a cellular paddock-style deposition plan, ring-fenced by waste rock. The concentrate filter plant was based on a modular concept, designed on a foldable platform to be easily transported to site via flatbed and allowing for pre-FATs to be completed at the local workshop.


By undertaking a bespoke client-centric approach, we were able to develop a fit-for-purpose solution on a lean capital budget. From initial concept meeting to commissioning, the project was developed in 15 months, inclusive of all necessary testwork to support design. As the client did not have an internal engineering, projects department, this relationship benefitted the client by ensuring OEM deliverables were managed with schedule top of mind.