Far too often, solutions are handed over to management teams without thorough training or effective technology transfer. Through CECMS’ data library and operating history, our team members bring troubleshooting, loss-to-profit turnaround, and optimization experience to existing projects. We apply these lessons to improve performance, reliability and availability of technologies, to then push a domino effect along to the rest of mineral processing operation.

on site auditing view 1

| Thickener Performance Audits

Many thickeners, installed and operating, are doing so under their design parameters. Recently, CECMS has had success with auditing these thickeners to perform test work and upgrades. The primary objective being improving thickener performance, which can have major knock-on benefits to the availability, reliability of any filters or bulk handling systems that may follow.

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CECMS can complete the following audit tests onsite:

  • Static thickener tests to determine optimal feed solids concentration
  • Dynamic thickening test work to stimulate the existing thickener and the current solids loading, rise rates and underflow rheology
  • Dynamic thickening test work to determine the equipment and material capabilities such as:
  • Maximum underflow density
  • Maximum overflow clarity
  • Optimal flocculant dosage
  • Process and mechanical audit for identification of inefficiencies and/or bottlenecks that reduce current performance
  • Provide a comprehensive report of findings and recommendations for modifications or changes to the equipment or processes in order to meet the process targets

| Filter Plant Debottlenecking

Solid-liquid separation is a notoriously unreliable business. Many filter plants have been installed with little or insufficient filtration characterization, especially with respect to how slurried material (i.e. mineralogy) can change over time. The result of this is that many filtration equipment ends up preforming under their design parameters; bottlenecking the throughput of the mill, or running at higher than budgeted moisture content (which can seriously affect plant operability or shipping timelines).

CECMS can complete the following audit tests onsite:

  • Flocculant selection and dosage to improve filtration profile of material
  • Preform thickener auditing to improve filter feed material specifications
  • Test multiple filtration media types (ceramic, cloth) and specifications (porosity, cloth type)

| Screening Plant Debottlenecking

The development and adoption of the linear screen to remove oversize particles, wood chips and/or other trash products has left many of these units in operation. Typically, little care as afforded to their maintenance, leading to poor belt tracking, roller seizure and flooding. Through implementation of preventative maintenance planning, on-site inventory consignment, screen cloth selection, or replacement with lower-profile, positive bending only units, CECMS can improve screening efficiency and unit availability.

Thickener Performance Audits

Filter Plant Debottlenecking

Screening Plant Debottlenecking

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